Now in its thirteenth year, Youth Grantmakers enables young people to become active agents of change and responsible community leaders through the power of philanthropy.

Youth Grantmakers address issues that are important to them by helping give away dollars to area nonprofits, learning the practice of grantmaking in the process.  Members survey their peers, conduct site visits, review grant proposals, and make grant recommendations based on local youth needs. The Youth Grantmakers award grants for programs, projects, and activities that support the well-being of youth and teens in the region. This year’s class consists of high school students from Riverside, San Bernardino and Coachella Valley, including:


  • Poly High School
  • Norte Vista High School
  • Ramona High School
  • STEM High School
  • Notre Dame High School
  • La Sierra High School
  • Hillcrest High School
  • Cathedral City High School
  • Xavier Prep High School
  • La Quinta High School
  • Indio High School
  • Aquinas High School
  • Webb Schools of California
  • Mother of Divine Grace School
  • Palm Desert High School

Youth Grantmakers began in 2009 as a program to enable youth to address issues important to them by learning about and leading the grantmaking process. High schoolers engage with their communities and local nonprofits, leaving with a better understanding of the needs of those who use critical nonprofit services like food, housing, and domestic violence. “Our members are young visionaries,” said Denisha Shackelford, Youth Initiatives Manager at IECF. “We’re honored to put the decision-making process in their hands as they investigate issues that impact the youth of our communities.”

Grant guidelines and applications are available here. For assistance, contact Denisha Shackelford, Youth Initiatives Manager, at 951.241.7777 or by email at

Anyone can donate to the Youth Grantmakers Endowment Fund! If you’d like to help us empower and uplift the region’s youth, visit our website to make a contribution.

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