On May 28, 2020, members of the Women’s Giving Fund held a virtual event to announce grants to two local nonprofits who focus on helping women. The desire was to provide additional support to local organizations who need a little extra to provide needed services during the COVID crisis.

The Fund granted $2,500 each to House of Ruth, an assistance provider for victims of domestic violence, and Foothill Family Shelter, which provides transitional housing for homeless.

House of Ruth Executive Director Pat Bell spoke of the additional challenges presented by the pandemic. Her organization is seeing an increase in domestic violence due to the extra source of stress on households.

Foothill Family Shelter Executive Director Megan Nehaman explained how individuals and families have been hit hard economically, causing them to lose their housing options.

Women’s Giving Fund Chair, Nefertiti Long led the program discussing the adjustments made to this year’s plans and how the committee was determined to provide grants for assistance and not wait until the group had the ability to get together in person. Since the need is greater now, the committee decided on a virtual event and chose two worthy organizations for a smaller grant that could be used right away.

The Women’s Giving Fund is planning for a fall event on September 24 to raise funds for the next grant cycle. For those who would like to learn more about the Women’s Giving Fund contact Darcy McNaboe, Regional Charitable Giving Officer at dmcnaboe@iegives.org. If you would like to make a donation for the next grant cycle please visit the Women’s Giving Fund page.

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