Spotlight on Alianza Coachella Valley: striving to improve socio-economic conditions
When two or more are gathered, anything is possible. That seems to be a primary principle fueling the efforts of Alianza Coachella Valley. The dynamic non-profit organization in the Eastern Coachella Valley strives to support resident leaders jazzed about improving...
Spotlight on Foothill Family Shelter: preparing for Greater Change Amid 40th Anniversary
Family Foothill Shelter stands proudly among Inland Empire nonprofits as it continues to provide families in need with assistance—everything from jobs, food, and housing to financial literacy skills and parenting classes. As the organization heads into 2024, it...
Spotlight on Culturas Music & Arts: fueling bold artistic endeavors
Creativity and inclusion are the strong ties that bind Culturas Music & Arts, a community-driven organization in Eastern Coachella Valley dedicated to promoting the arts. Working with a variety of artists, musicians, and local entities, the organization has made a...