Calling all donors, grantees, and scholarship recipients! As we launch IECF’s 80th Anniversary celebration, we’d like to share your voices with the community. Your stories can best help us tell others about IECF’s impact on our region.

Over the next few weeks, we’ll be posting video messages from our board members, donors, scholarship recipients, and grantees. These will be short (15-seconds or less) videos you can take on your smartphone or computer using this link.

It’ll take less than 1 minute of your time! Here are the steps:

  1. Click the link and either upload or record a video. (If you’re on your computer, it’ll need to have a microphone and camera. Hold your phone horizontally, if possible, to fill the video screen.) Click Here to Record Your Video
  2. Say as much or as little as you like! Here are a few general ideas, but feel free to get creative:


  • Happy 80th Anniversary, Inland Empire Community Foundation! Thank you for your work in addressing <insert your organization’s cause/focus here>. Together, we’re helping <insert information about the community your organization serves.>
  • Congratulations on 80 years of giving, IECF! I’m proud to be a part of the <XYZ Organization>, which recently received $____ in grants to <insert info about how the grant is used>. Together, we’re making the IE a better place to live.


  • Happy 80th Anniversary, IECF! I’m proud to have established the <XYZ Fund> with IECF, where we’re working together to provide <insert info about your cause here>.
  • Happy 80th Anniversary, IECF! Because of our work together, we’ve <provided housing for the homeless, purchased 10,000 books for libraries, taken care of medical needs for thousands of pets….insert your story here.>

Scholarship Recipients:

  • Congratulations on your 80th Anniversary, IECF! As a recipient of the XYZ Scholarship, I was able to attend <insert college here, and tell us what that meant to you.>


  •  Happy Anniversary, Inland Empire Community Foundation! We are stronger together! <add your personalized message here>

Watch for videos as we post them on social media.  Thank you for being a part of our celebration!

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