As a valued supporter of IECF’s mission, we’re excited to share our Giving Guide!

Your partnership fuels positive change, and the Giving Guide is designed to help you navigate the various ways your charitable contribution can make a difference.

Our region is in need. Your support is pivotal. Since the Inland Empire receives limited funds from major foundations, you stand on the frontline, ensuring crucial resources for education, healthcare, civic engagement, housing, and more.

Imagine the relief a young mother feels when she turns the key and steps into a safe, clean apartment where her children can grow, play and thrive. Or the sheer, exuberant joy of a high school graduate tossing his cap into the air – knowing a scholarship has paved the way for a college degree that once seemed unattainable.

Now, picture conversations with family around the dinner table as you talk about the life-changing gifts you’ll give next year, and the following year, and for generations to come.  As you realize your generosity is making dreams come true, you’ll also have the enormous satisfaction of creating a lasting legacy.

Inside these pages, you’ll meet donors like the Webb Family, Jack Fitzimmons and Walter Gendell, Randall Lewis, Peggy Fouke Wortz and Aaron Norris. Each of these IE residents has matched a personal passion with a charitable giving tool to create the change they want to see in our community.

With an esteemed legacy of $150 million in grants and scholarships over 80 years, IECF knows how to simplify philanthropy. Explore the guide to witness our commitment and leverage our expertise. Our dedicated staff is poised to align your giving with meaningful, lasting impact. You can email us at, or call 951-241-7777.


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