Fund Descriptions
Angela C. Gomez Memorial Fund for Riverside Children’s Theatre
Established in 2018 by the parents of Angela Gomez to support The Riverside Children’s Theatre.
Click here to learn more about Angela
Fox Cultural Arts Fund
Established in 2011 to support the activities of the Fox Riverside Theater Foundation.
Paul and Carol Fick Donor Advised Fund for the Arts
Established in 2006 to support the arts in and around Riverside, California.
Richard P. Laabs Endowment Fund
Established in May 2000 to provide supplies used in teaching the arts by alternative/correctional education teachers.
Riverside Arts and Culture Donor Advised Fund
Established in March 2001 to benefit the Arts in the City of Riverside and surrounding unincorporated areas.
Civic and Public Benefit
California Scottish Rite Foundation Fund
Established in 2019 to support the programs of the California Scottish Rite Foundation
Charles F. and Wilhelmina E. Clark Botanical Fund
Established in August 1971 to provide funds for the establishment, development and maintenance of the botanical section of the Riverside Municipal Museum.
Charley and Emilie Graham Museum Fund
Established in 2010 to support the Palo Verde Historical Museum in Blythe, California.
Evergreen Memorial Historic Cemetery Fund
Established in 2004 to support the restoration and preservation of the cemetery.
George E. Brown Jr. Donor Advised Fund
Established in 2010 for archival and preservation of George E. Brown Jr. Congressional papers and other related materials, and other broad and general charitable purposes and uses.
Hemet Library Foundation Fund
Established in January 2001 to provide for the programs, equipment and furnishings of the Hemet Public Library.
Illes Family Donor Advised Fund
Established in 2008 to benefit Riverside Public Library Branch Services and other general charitable uses and purposes.
Inland Futures Foundation – Economic Development & Workforce Training Fund
Established in 2019 to support the economic development and workforce training programs of the Inland Futures Foundation.
Inland Futures Foundation – FNX Fund
Established in 2019 to support the FNX television network of the Inland Futures Foundation.
Inland Futures Foundation – KVCR Fund
Established in 2019 to support the Empire KVCR television and radio networks of the Inland Futures Foundation.
John and Mary Vanderzyl Funding The Future for Children’s Services at the Riverside Public Library
Established in February 2000 to benefit Children’s Library Services for the Riverside Public Library Foundation.
Jurupa Mountains Discovery Center Compensation Fund
Established in November 1990 to provide funds for compensation for scientific personnel that are employed by the Jurupa Mountain Cultural Center.
Jurupa Mountains Discovery Center Maintenance Fund
Established in November 1990 to provide funds for the maintenance and security of grounds and buildings at the site.
Life Care Fund
Established in 2020 to support the programs of Alta Vita Community Foundation in Riverside California.
March Field Museum Fund
Established in December 1998 to provide an income to the Museum Foundation.
Margaret Morgan & Mary Morgan Pedlow Memorial Fund
Established in March 1984 to provide funding to the Riverside Public Library to supplement the purchase of books, periodicals and materials.
Maxine Tate Library Fund
Established in December 2000 by Dwight Tate in memory of his mother to extend and enhance library services to people living in the City of Riverside.
Perris Valley Heritage Fund
Established March 2003 for the historic preservation of the Perris Valley.
Reid Park Fund
Established in July 1998 to provide funding for maintenance of Reid Park, located on Orange Street in the City of Riverside.
Riverside Public Library Foundation Fund
Established in 2000 to support the Riverside Public Library Foundation.
The Gladys Pedlow (Wilcox) Memorial Fund
Established in 2002 to be used by The Riverside Public Library for the purchase of books, periodicals, and library materials.
Upland Community Foundation Endowment Fund
Established in 2010 to develop and provide financial support for organizations in the Inland Empire to enhance the quality of health, education, welfare and life of the citizens of the City of Upland, California.
Victoria Avenue Forever
Established in April 1996 to provide for the preservation and beautification of Riverside’s Victoria Avenue.
Academy for Grassroots Organization
Established in 2011 to support the programs of The High Desert Resource Network
AVC Foundation Fund
Established in December 2006 for broad and general charitable uses and purposes at Air Force Village West in Riverside, California.
AVC Foundation “In Need” Endowment Fund
Established in March 2010 for broad and general charitable uses and purposes at Air Force Village West in Riverside, California.
Animal Samaritans Restricted Reserve Fund
Established in 2018 to support the programs of Animal Samaritans.
Assistance League of San Bernardino
Established in April 1997 to provide support for philanthropic giving from the Assistance League of San Bernardino.
Dr. Abram I. and Sylvia S. Chasens Endowment Fund
Established in 2007 to benefit the Joslyn Senior Center in Palm Desert, CA.
G. “Bummy” Burstein Donor Advised Fund
Established in 2017 to support California School for the Deaf – Riverside (CSDR) Library, marquee, or other school projects.
Grand Terrace Lions Club Community Center Fund
Established in 2017 as a sub-fund of The Foundation of Grand Terrace Fund to provide funding for a the future Grand Terrace Lions Club Community Center.
Here For Good Endowment Fund
Established in January 1992 to provide annual operating funds to The Community Foundation.
Idyllwild Community Fund General Operations Donor Advised Fund
Established in November 2001 to support general operations for the Idyllwild Community Fund.
Idyllwild Help Center Burgess Fund
Established in 2017 to support the programs of Idyllwild Help Center.
Idyllwild Pines Endowment Fund
Established in 2004 in support of the Idyllwild Pines Camp and Conference Center.
Junior League of Riverside Agency Endowment Fund
Established in June 2007 to provide long-term funding of Junior League’s community outreach programs.
Junior League of Riverside Endowment Fund
Established in July 1999 to provide long-term funding of Junior League’s community outreach programs.
Kiwanis Club of Riverside Endowment Fund
Established in October 2000 to benefit the charitable activities of the club.
Lorna B. Rich Endowment Fund
Established in 2005 to benefit Eden Lutheran Church in Riverside and St. Luke Lutheran Church in St. Paul Minnesota.
Margaret B. Branchflower Endowment Fund
Established by the Rotary Club of Beaumont Foundation to support their activities.
Mojave National Preserve Conservancy Fund
Established in 2009 with a grant from the Desert Legacy Fund to assist the Mojave National Preserve Conservancy in incorporating as a 501c3 charitable organization.
Oak Grove Center for Education Treatment & the Arts Fund
Established in 2010 to benefit Oak Grove Center for Education Treatment & the Arts.
Redlands Bowl Performing Arts Fund
Established in 2017 to support the programs of Redlands Bowl Performing Arts.
San Gorgonio Memorial Hospital Foundation Fund
Established in June 2007 to sustain the general operations of the San Gorgonio Memorial Hospital.
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Fund
Established in 2008 at the passing of an anonymous donor to benefit the City of Riverside St. Vincent De Paul Society.
TCF Operations Fund
Temple Beth El Legacy Fund
Established in 2004 to provide perpetual income for programs and projects offered by Temple Beth El, which support Judaism and enhance Jewish life.
The High Desert Community Foundation Endowment Fund
Established in 2012 to benefit the High Desert Community Foundation.
The Pick Group Fund
Established in 2010 for the philanthropic activities of The Pick Group purposed with the goal of bettering the community at large.
YWCA of Riverside County Endowment Fund
Established in May 2001 to fund the ongoing maintenance of the YWCA buildings and grounds and for the administrative costs of the program.
Altura Credit Union Member Adult Education Scholarship
Established in 2018 for current members of Altura Credit Union who are in adult education classes at a local Community College District.
Altura Credit Union Member Scholarship
Established in 2018 for graduating seniors who are current members of Altura Credit Union or are immediate family members of current members of Altura Credit Union.
Andalusia Country Club Education Fund
Established in 2016 to provide financial assistance to the Andalusia Country Club employees and their dependent children for scholarships and other educational purposes.
Bruce and Regen Dennis Scholarship Fund
Established in 2019 to provide scholarships for low-income Latino/Hispanic students residing in the Coachella Valley.
CryoWorks, Inc. Employee Scholarship Fund
Established in 2018 to provide financial assistance for educational purposes to the children of CryoWorks, Inc. employees.
Gerald “Bummy” Burstein Donor Advised Endowment Fund
Established in 2009 to support programs and services that will heighten and develop leadership skills for deaf students living within the County of Riverside and /or attending the California School for the Deaf, Riverside.
Hemet Education Foundation Endowment Fund
Established in April 2000 to more effectively enhance the educational enrichment experience for all children served by the Hemet Unified School District.
Inland Futures Foundation – College Promise Fund
Established in 2019 to support the College Promise program of the Inland Futures Foundation.
Inland Futures Foundation of San Bernardino Community College Fund
Established in 2019 to support the programs of the Inland Futures Foundation.
John Elmer Smith Western Book Endowment Fund
Established in August 1999 to provide funding for a western book collection in memory of John Elmer Smith at the Great Falls Montana Public Library.
Ontario-Montclair Promise Scholars Fund
Established in 2018 to support the programs of Ontario-Montclair Promise Scholars.
Rancho La Quinta Country Club Education Fund
Established in 2016 to support educational opportunities for the staff at Rancho La Quinta Country Club in La Quinta, CA and their dependents.
Riverside Education Enrichment Fund
Established in January 1993 to provide income to supplement services to benefit students of the Riverside Unified School District.
Riverside Museum Associates/Rible Education Fund
Established in March 2002 for educational programs at the Riverside Municipal Museum.
San Jacinto Education Foundation Advised Fund – Umbrella
Established in December 2001 to enrich the education of the students of the San Jacinto Unified School District by providing scholarships, programs and equipment.
SBCSS Foundation Fund
Established in 2006 for the general support of both the mandated and non-mandated functions of the San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools.
The Robert H. Gurr and Nancy Gurr Johnston Educational Book Fund
Established in 2004 for the purchase of printed books and periodicals for students in grades 7 through 8 within RUSD to inspire and excite students to pursue careers in the practical trades. Trades to be included are mechanical, electrical, and electronic trades, including automotive, aircraft industries, theatrical and themed entertainment, audio and lighting.
Community Response Fund
Established in 2008 to respond to local community needs.
Cornerstone Fund
Established May 1997 to provide funding to charitable organizations for emergency, urgent and unexpected demands.
IE COVID-19 Resilience Fund
Established in 2020 to support programs assisting IE residents impacted by Coronavirus COVID-19.
IECF is waiving the administrative fee for the IE COVID-19 Resilience Fund. Donations via credit card are subject to third-party fees. All credit card charges are subject to a 3% credit card processing fee. Please consider chipping in an additional 3% so 100% of your donation amount goes to COVID-19 relief efforts in the Inland Empire.
Inland Empire Disaster Relief Fund – Riverside County
Established in 2019 by the Board of Directors to provide relief funds to those affected by disasters in Riverside County.
Inland Empire Disaster Relief Fund – San Bernardino
Established in 2019 by the Board of Directors to provide relief funds to those affected by disasters in San Bernardino County.
Inland Southern California Wildfire Relief Fund
Established in October 2007 to resopnd to the needs of those affected by the fall wildfires.
Riverside Land Conservancy Fund
Established in August 1999 to provide an income stream to the Land Conservancy.
Santa Rosa Plateau Foundation
Established in 2012 to support the activities of the Santa Rosa Plateau Foundation.
Santa Rosa Plateau Foundation Unrestricted Fund
Established in 2018 to support the activities of the Santa Rosa Plateau Foundation.
SRPF – Ellis Fund
Established in 2018 to support the activities of the Santa Rosa Plateau Foundation.
Field Of Interest
Albert & Anna Herdina Memorial Fund for Animals
Established in January 2002 for payment of veterinary services incurred by needy senior citizens.
Angela C. Gomez Memorial Fund for Lions, the New Endangered Species
Established in 2018 by the parents of Angela Gomez to support Lions, the New Endangered Species.
Click here to learn more about Angela
Angela C. Gomez Memorial Fund for Pet Causes
Established in 2018 by the parents of Angela Gomez to support pet adoptions and Pet therapy programs for healing.
Click here to learn more about Angela
Angela C. Gomez Memorial Fund for Victims of Crime
Established in 2018 by the parents of Angela Gomez to support victims of crime.
Click here to learn more about Angela
Bertha M. Green Fund
Established December 1979 to provide funds for the betterment of domestic animals in our society.
Bud and Myrna LaRue Stark Literacy Fund
Established in 2007 to fund literacy projects within the Coachella Valley.
Carol G. Meier Fund to Benefit Arts Education in the Coachella Valley
Established in 2005 through a bequest from The Estate of Carol G. Meier to benefit arts education in the Coachella Valley.
Coachella Valley Endowment For HIV Fund
Established in December 1997 to benefit agencies serving persons diagnosed with HIV living in the Coachella Valley.
James Bernard and Mildred Jordan Tucker Fund
Established April 1983 to benefit disabled persons who are dependent on the use of a wheel chair for mobility.
Mapping Black California
Mapping Black California is a collaborative community mapping project bringing together technology, data, geography and place-based study to better understand the African-American community.
Mildred E. Smernoff Animal Care Fund
Established in December 2006 for care and treatment of animals for needy and low income individuals in Southwest Riverside County.
Seraphim Fund
Established in March 2002 by the Estate of Edith Johnson to aid women and children suffering from physical or mental illness or substance abuse.
Women’s Giving Fund
Established in 2017 to bring together women of influence, to combine resources, talents and interests for the benefit of women and children throughout Riverside and San Bernardino Counties; proving that women of compassion can make the greatest difference by working together for change.
General Charitable Purposes
150 Circle of Giving Fund
Established in 2019 for broad and general charitable purposes.
For more information on the 150 Circle of Giving contact Jack Alotto
at jacka150circleofgiving@gmail.com
Bill and Gloria Harrison Donor Advised Fund
Established in 2008 for General Charitable Purposes.
Catholic Charities Children’s Fund
Established in 2017 to support children’s programs of Catholic Charities San Bernardino and Riverside Counties.
Catholic Charities Coachella Valley Fund
Established in 2017 to support children’s programs of Catholic Charities San Bernardino and Riverside Counties.
Catholic Charities Family Strengthening Fund
Established in 2017 to support family strengthening programs of Catholic Charities San Bernardino and Riverside Counties.
Catholic Charities Homeless Prevention Fund
Established in 2017 to support homeless prevention programs of Catholic Charities San Bernardino and Riverside Counties.
Catholic Charities New Americans Fund
Established in 2017 to support programs of Catholic Charities San Bernardino and Riverside Counties that focus on new Americans.
Cheryl Brown Community Impact Fund
Established in 2019 for broad and general charitable purposes.
Clifford N. Moore & Grace Abney Moore Fund
Established in August 1988 to provide funds to University of California, Riverside for scholarships and also provide support of the Riverside Art Museum and United Way of the Inland Valley.
Community Impact Fund
Established April 1955 to provide for the discretionary grants of The Community Foundation to agencies and organizations in Riverside and San Bernardino Counties.
Dave and Mary Hjorth Family Donor Advised Endowment Fund
Established in 2009 for broad and general charitable purposes.
Dave and Mary Hjorth Family Donor Advised Granting Fund
Established in 2009 for broad and general charitable purposes.
Diana Harrison Martinez Fund
Established in memory of Diana Harrison Martinez for broad and general charitable uses.
Harrison Family Fund
Established in 2019 for broad and general charitable purposes
HOPE (Helping Others Provide Empowerment) Endowment Fund
Established in 2008.
Joyce A. Montgomery Donor Advised Fund
Established in 2019 to fund the Dr. Ezra C. Davidson Scholarship at Charles R. Drew University of Medicine & Science and other broad and general uses and purposes.
Korff Family advised Fund
Established in 2010 for general charitable purposes.
Established in 2020 to promote the education of multicultural enrichment, advocate for unity among races, provide curriculum that teaches empathy and support career advancement, mentoring, and scholarships.
Peggy Fouke Wortz Memorial Community Impact Fund
Established in March 2004 for general charitable uses and purposes.
Polly R. Reynolds Fund
Established in January 2002 to benefit a variety of the donor’s interests.
Presidents Fund
Established in December 1998 by Evan and Joanne Vail to benefit The Community Foundation’s Community Impact Fund.
Richard and Virginia Schneider Fund
Established in May 2002 for general charitable uses and purposes.
Richard H. and Pamela A. Barker Fund
Established in 2019 for broad and general uses and purposes.
R. S. Social Justice Fund
Established in 2020 to support social justice organizing efforts and general charitable purposes.
Salvation Foundation Fund
Established in 2020 for programs that support the prevention, rescue and rehabilitation of victims of sex trafficking and for broad and general charitable purposes.
Takano Family Fund
Established in October 2001 for general charitable uses and purposes.
The Hemet Lions Club Endowed Donor Advised Fund
Established in November 2006 for broad and general charitable uses and purposes.
The James and Rebecca Malachowski Charitable Fund
Established in 2020 for broad and general charitable uses and purposes.
The LAAA Fund
Established in 2019 to support the Los Angeles Adventist Academy and for general uses and purposes.
The LaVerne Jones Legacy Fund
Established in 2018 for broad and general uses and purposes.
Thunder Cares
Established by the Lake Elsinore Storm in 2011 to support broad and general charitable purposes.
William and Genevieve Mason Estate Fund
Established in 2006 for unrestricted granting in the Hemet area.
Geographic Affiliates
Banning Community Fund
Established December 2013 to support the nonprofit programs in the City of Banning.
Foundation of Grand Terrace Fund
Established December 2003 to improve the community of Grand Terrace.
Idyllwild Community Fund
Established April 1996 to benefit the residents of Idyllwild and surrounding communities.
Irene S. Rockwell Fund
Established August 1982 to provide funding for projects and programs benefiting the residents of the City of Perris, California.
The Coachella Valley Fund
Established in 2005 for grantmaking within the Coachella Valley.
Health and Human Services
Angela C. Gomez Memorial Fund for Children’s Hospitals
Established in 2018 by the parents of Angela Gomez to support Children’s Hospitals.
Click here to learn more about Angela
Butch Hill Donor Advised Fund
Established in 2001 to further independent living by mentally disabled adults.
Emanuel Baldi Fund Benefiting ARC Riverside
Established in 2004 in memory of Emanuel Baldi to support ARC Riverside.
Lewis Medical Scholarship Fund
Established in 2020 to support the programs of Alta Vita Community Foundation in Riverside California.
Martha’s Village and Kitchen Food Fund Endowment
Established in 2009 for food and food services at Martha’s Village and Kitchen in Indio, California.
Michelle’s Place Breast Cancer Resource Center
Established in 2013 to support the programs of Michelle’s Place in Temecula, CA.
Peggy Fouke Wortz Friends of the Family Fund to Benefit Family Service Assoc. of Western Riverside County
Established in October 1999 to benefit Family Service Association of Western Riverside County.
Reed Memorial Fund for the Blind
Established in October 1961 to benefit the American Foundation for the Blind and the California School for the Blind.
Riverside Ending Homelessness Fund
Established in 2009 to fund operations, programs, and activities at the City of Riverside Homeless Multi-Service Campus and other activities that advance the city’s adopted strategies to address homelessness.
The Mizell Senior Center Endowment Fund
Established in November 2006 to provide income to the Mizell Senior Center.
The Treatment of Eating Disorders
Established in October 2000 to provide scholarships for mental health therapy to those suffering from eating disorders.
The Unforgettables Foundation Endowment Fund
Established in 2008 to support the programs of The Unforgettables Foundation.
Walt Whitman Endowment Fund
Established March 1994 to benefit activities that promote mutual tolerance and respect between the community at large and the gay and lesbian communities.
Altura Credit Union Board of Directors Educational Endowment
Established in 2016 by the Board of Directors of Altura Credit Union to provide scholarships to graduates of a Riverside County accredited High School who represent Altura’s CORE Values of Respect – Integrity – Excellence – Innovation – Passion.
Altura Credit Union Foundation Fund
Established in 2004 for scholarships for students graduating from high school in order to attend college and universities.
Altura Credit Union Mark W. Hawkins Community Service Endowment
Established in 2016 by the Board of Directors of Altura Credit Union to provide scholarships to graduates of Riverside County accredited High Schools to support the needs of the diverse communities served by the Altura Credit Union.
Angela C. Gomez Memorial Foundation Fund
Established in 2018 by the parents of Angela Gomez for scholarships and other charitable purposes.
Click here to learn more about Angela
Baldy View ROP Endowment Fund
Established January 2003.
Bonnie Gail Polis Donor Advised Educational Endowment Fund
Established in 2004 in memory of Bonnie Gail Polis for scholarships to graduating seniors from Riverside Unified School District who intend to pursue a career in public education while in college.
California Retired Teachers Association Div #89 Palm Springs Advised Scholarship Fund
Established in 2005 to fund scholarships for students from the Palm Springs, California area.
California Retired Teachers Association Riverside Division #21 Advised Scholarship Fund
Established in 2004 to fund scholarships for university or college students planning on a career in education or a career assisting youth, ie., juvenile justice or a related field; and to benefit teachers in purchasing equipment, supplies, or field trips for their classroom.
Cardenas Markets Scholarship Fund
Established in 2019 to provide higher education opportunities for undocumented students “Dreamers” who live within the geographic areas in which Cardenas Markets are located.
Carl Graves Endowment Scholarship Fund
Established in 2019 through a bequest to the City of Lake Elsinore from Carl Graves to provide scholarships to needy and deserving graduates of Lake Elsinore Unified School District High Schools.
Charles “Chuck” T. Harmon/Gordon A. Lounsbury Memorial Endowment a Donor Advised Fund
Established in 2007 for broad, general charitable purposes and to provide scholarships for students pursuing civil engineering degree programs.
Charles and Myrna Rohr Endowment Fund
Established in 2017 to support the Charles and Myrna Rohr Endowment Fund at Mr. San Jacinto College Foundation.
Charles E. Brouse Fund
Established December 1947 to provide scholarships to needy and worthy students so that they have an opportunity to secure a higher education.
Cinco de Mayo Youth Scholarship Advised Fund
Established August 2001 for scholarships for students of Hispanic decent living in the Corona/Norco Unified School District.
Clara R. Brouse Fund
Established July 1962 to provide funding for needy and worthy students through grants to the Regents of the University of California for use at the University of California, Riverside.
Clayton Record Advised Scholarship Fund
Established July 2001 in memory of community leader Clayton Record to provide a scholarship to a San Jacinto Unified School District student for post secondary education.
D. Glenn Hilts Donor Advised Scholarship Fund
Established December 2001 for scholarships for a member of the Seventh Day Adventist Church studying to obtain a master’s degree in library science.
Dollars For Scholars Scholarship Fund
Established April 1997 to provide college scholarships according to the policies and practices of the Greater Riverside Dollars for Scholars organization.
Dr. Barnett Grier and Eleanor Jean Grier Scholarship Fund
The Dr. Barnett Grier and Eleanor Jean Grier Scholarship Fund is the legacy to their efforts to ensure equality in education, housing, employment, and opportunity for underrepresented and disadvantaged citizens in Riverside.
Dr. Linda Wisher Endowment
Established in 2016 in memory of Dr. Linda Wisher’s volunteer service to Altura Credit Union for scholarships to graduates from a Riverside County accredited High School who exhibit financial hardship.
Dr. Loren E. Sanchez AVID Scholarship
Established in 2017 to provide an annual scholarship to graduating senior from Upland High School who is currently enrolled in the AVID program.
Drs. Herb and Cheryl Fischer Scholarship Fund
Established in 2007 for scholarships for seniors graduating from high schools located in San Bernardino County. Scholarship from this fund are granted through San Bernardino Valley Chapter of the Links Incorporated as well as the San Bernardino County AVID Program (Advancement Through Individual Determination).
Edith Jamin Memorial Scholarship Fund
Established in 2015 to benefit graduating seniors from Palm Springs High School who are interested in pursuing a career in education.
Edna B. Lockhart Fund
Established April 1999 to provide scholarships to seniors graduating from a Riverside Unified School District High School who will attend Riverside Community College.
Eleanor Pearl Hunter Trust
Established in April 2000 to assist needy and deserving young people to further their education.
Elizabeth W. Vermillion Fund
Established November 1992 to provide college level education to young men and women.
Ella A. Trenchard Fund
Established September 1966 to provide scholarships for female music students at the Idyllwild Arts Academy summer program.
Franklyn D. and Barbara Gile Trust Endowment Fund
Established in 2019 through the Gile Family 2017 Charitable Remainder Unitrust to benefit March Field Museum Foundation and Daedalian’s Flight #30 Scholarshp Fund
Graduate Success Fund
By supporting the Graduate Success Fund, you leverage your dollars with The Community Foundation and join with other donors and funders to maximize the impact on our region’s economic prosperity while helping students succeed in college.
Grant Nunnally Memorial Scholarship at Woodcrest Christian High School in Riverside, CA
Established in 2005 in memory of Grant Nunnally for scholarships to an outstanding senior and student athlete at Woodcrest Christian High School in Riverside, CA.
Guhl Medical Scholarship Fund
Established in 2020 to support the programs of Alta Vita Community Foundation in Riverside California.
Ida B. Bruce Fund
Established April 1992 to provide scholarships benefiting needy students of the City of Riverside.
Imperial Employee Scholarship Program Fund
Established in 2017 to provide scholarships to the children of Imperial Manufacturing employees who meet the scholarship guidelines.
Jerome Harrison Scholarship Fund
Established in 2020 to provide an annual scholarship to a graduating senior from Montclair High School in the Chaffey Union High School District who is currently enrolled in the AVID program.
Katherine C. Webb Memorial Scholarship Fund
Established in 2014 in memory of Katherine C. Webb to provide scholarships annually to current or former graduates of Riverside Poly High School (“Poly”) pursuing undergraduate and graduate degrees at colleges or universities offering bachelor’s or graduate degrees. Students must demonstrate financial need and have made a positive contribution while at Poly as a participant on the Mock Trial Team or in the arts, such as theater, choir, band or orchestra.
Kimberly Jean Flores Memorial Donor Advised Scholarship Fund
Established in 2004 in memory of Kimberly Jean Flores for scholarships to female graduating seniors from Canyon Springs High School in Moreno Valley, California.
Lena T. Pond Fund
Established January 1993 to establish scholarships to students who study nursing.
Leon S. Heseman Fund
Established February 1968 to provide scholarships for students attending four-year institutions within the State of California.
LEVEF Advised Endowment Fund
Established in 2007 for Scholarships.
Louise J. Funk Scholarship Fund
Established December 1997 for college scholarships to graduates of a Riverside Unified School District high school.
Louise Taylor Scholarship Fund
Established December 2000 to benefit the Banning Dollars for Scholars, distributing scholarships to graduates of Banning High School.
Lucille and Roy Anderberg Nursing Scholarship Fund
Established July 2001 to provide scholarships to financially needy and academically qualified nursing students enrolling or enrolled in the RN programs at Riverside Community College and California State University San Bernardino.
Lucille B. Anderberg Scholarship Fund in Memory of Arthur and Lillian Bird
Established November 1999 to provide scholarships to graduating students of Elida High School in New Mexico who enroll at a New Mexico post-secondary educational institution.
Marian Luna Memorial Donor Advised Scholarship Fund
Established in 2004 in memory of Marian Luna for scholarships to graduating seniors from Riverside County, California high schools who are the first child in their immediate family to attend college.
Mark & Dawn Hawkins Educational Endowment
Established in 2017 to provide scholarships beginning in 2023 to graduates of Riverside County accredited High Schools who meet specific requirements.
Marvin E Leggett Jr. Scholarship Fund
Provides scholarships to students graduating from Norte Vista High School and La Sierra High School in the Alvord Unified School District.
Molly Adams Endowed Scholarship Fund
Established in November 2006 to provide scholarships for disabled youth wanting a college education.
Myron M. Winslow Fund
Established November 1976 to provide scholarships for agricultural professions, including those interested in studying to be a veterinarian at California colleges and universities.
Pavement Recycling Systems Scholarship Fund in Memory of Chuck Harmon, Dick Sprinkle, Gordon Lounsbury
Established in 2009 to provide post secondary education funancial assistance to outstanding graduating seniors who are pursuing a college education or traning through an approved trade school and are residents of the city of Riverside or the city of Blythe in Riverside County.
PGA WEST Education Fund
Established in 2018 to support educational opportunities for the staff at PGA WEST Country Club in La Quinta, CA and their dependents.
Reginald Keith Edmond II Donor Advised Scholarship Fund
Established in 2008 in memory of Reginald Keith Edmond II for scholarships to support student athletes graduating from Arlington High School; for scholarships to a graduating senior participating in the Young Black Scholars program, residing in Riverside or San Bernardino Counties; and for other general charitable uses and purposes.
Richard F. and Mary C. Boyles Memorial Advised Scholarship Fund
Established April 2002 for a student graduating from Lincoln High School in Riverside USD.
RIMS AVID Advised Scholarship Program Fund
Established December 2002 to benefit students graduating from AVID programs in Riverside, Inyo, Mono, and San Bernardino Counties.
Robert B. Taylor Foundation Fun
Established in 2020 to honor the life of Robert B. Taylor by providing “needs based” scholarships to low-income, underrepresented or first generation students attending Riverside Community College
Robin G. Thrapp Memorial Scholarship Fund
Established in 2009 for scholarships to students enrolled in the nursing program at Riverside Community College who have demonstrated compassion and a high level of quality of care and deemed outstanding by faculty at the college.
Roy W. and Lucille B. Anderberg Endowment Fund
Established in July 2001 for the benefit of Eden Lutheran Church, Riverside, California.
Roy W. Anderberg Scholarship Fund in Memory of Andrew and Betty Anderberg
Established November 1999 to benefit graduate students at a Lutheran seminary.
Ruth Schroff Donor Advised Fund
Established April 1984 for purposes mainly to assist African American and Hispanic students in obtaining college education.
SBCSS-Herbert Fischer Scholarship Fund
Established in 2009 in honor of the former San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools, Herbert R. Fischer and his 37 years of service in education. Funds have been designated as a means to support scholarship awards to high school students enrolled in a Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) program of study at a participating Alliance for Education STEM site in San Bernardino County. Students must demonstrate a financial need and plan to pursue a postsecondary degree in a STEM related discipline.
TCF Anniversary Scholarhip Fund
Established in 2011 in celebration of The Community Foundation’s 70th Anniversary to provide college scholarships to deserving students who reside in Riverside or San Bernardino County.
Terry Ferrone Memorial Donor Advised Scholarship Fund
Established in 2004 in memory of Terry Ferrone for scholarships to graduating seniors from John W. North or Poly High Schools in Riverside, California pursuing a college education.
Tillie Ayres Fund
Established November 1970 for the purposes of providing scholarships to college students.
Victress Bower Fund
Established October 1967 to provide scholarships to individuals who will train and teach disabled children.
William B. Brooks Memorial Scholarship Fund
Established May 1997 to provide scholarships.
Gabbert Justice Donor Advised Fund
Established December 1994 to advance the administration of justice in Riverside County including juvenile rehabilitation programs.
Youth Grantmakers Coachella Valley Fund
Established in 2012 to create a “leadership through philanthropy” training ground for youth and create an understanding of the needs in the Coachella Valley.
Youth Grantmakers Endowment Fund
Established in 2014 through a Challenge Grant from The Riverside Construction Company Donor Advised Fund to provide sustainability to the Youth Grantmakers Programs at The Community Foundation.
Youth Grantmakers High Desert Fund
Established in 2015 to create a “leadership through philanthropy” training ground for young adults and create an understanding of the needs in the High Desert region.
Youth Grantmakers Idyllwild Fund
Established by Idyllwild Community Fund Advisory Committee in 2012 to create a “leadership through philanthropy” training ground for youth and create an understanding of the needs in the Idyllwild Community.
Youth Grantmakers Riverside Fund
Established by TCF Board of Directors in 2008 to create a “leadership through philanthropy” training ground for youth and create an understanding of the needs in their respective communities.
Youth Grantmakers San Bernardino Fund
Established in 2014 to create a “leadership through philanthropy” training ground for youth and create an understanding of the needs in the City of San Bernardino.