Black Equity Fund: Powerbuilding & Systems Change

Grant Opportunity

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IECF is pleased to announce a request for proposals for the IE Black Equity Fund’s Powerbuilding and Systems Change Grants! The Fund is a partnership between the Black Equity Initiative of the Inland Empire (BEI-IE), IE Funders Alliance and IECF to advance the mission of Black-led organizations in the Inland Empire through core support, program and project support, and capacity building. Driven by the leadership and voice of the members of BEI-IE, grants will be awarded to nonprofits that are focused on systems change and power building work in these priority areas: civic engagement, criminal justice transformation, housing justice, health equity, education equity, and economic liberation.

Nonprofit organizations in Riverside and San Bernardino Counties that demonstrate learning needs or are currently engaged in this work are encouraged to apply.

BEI-IE Values & Principles

BEI-IE recognizes that our battles for equity and justice are especially heavy when situated in a place with a deeply rooted and painful history of white supremacy. We uplift the legacy and memory of black people in the Inland Empire and their allies who led courageous fights for justice and equity and paved the way for new generations of leaders to emerge. We know the fight to undue structural racism must be sustained through intentional power building among black led and black empowering movements and organizations in the Inland Empire and abroad. 

Grants range up to $100,000

Opening Date: August 16, 2024
Closing Date: September 13, 2024

Funding Tiers and Eligibility 

Applicants may apply for funding in one of four tiers:

Learning Grants, up to $20,000 (up to 12 months) Funding supports their unique learning needs related to systems change and power building in their priority focus areas. Learning funds also pays for staff participation in at least (2) required grantee learning sessions. Learning applicants may be invited to apply for emerging track after one year.

Emerging Grants, up to $71,000 (24 months) Funding supports the emerging systems change/powerbuilding work that is already underway and is emerging. Emerging grantees must participate in at least (2) required learning sessions and BEI coalition meetings.

Scale Up Grants, up to $100,000 (24 months) Funding supports existing systems change/power building work that already has a demonstrated impact but is ready to scale up. Scale up  grantees must participate in at least (2) required learning sessions and BEI coalition meetings.

AD 60 Grants, up to $70,000 (12 months) Funding supports existing systems change/power building work (minimum of 3 years) that already has a demonstrated impact specifically focused on Assembly District 60 of Riverside County as represented by Assemblymember Corey Jackson. Efforts must service or directly impact the residents of Assembly District 60 (Including: East Hemet, Good Hope, Green Acres, Hemet, Homeland, Lakeview, March ARB, Mead Valley, Moreno Valley, Nuevo, Perris, Riverside, Romoland, San Jacinto).

Other Grant Eligibility

  • Seek local, regional, and state policy solutions;
  • Address a high need impacting Black people; and 
  • Have clear objectives that are compelling, measurable and can lead to successful outcomes and impact.
  • Nonprofit, public benefit organizations based in the Inland Empire,  with evidence of tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or Fiscal sponsor sponsored by at 501(c)(3) and not classified as a private foundation.
  • Organizations that operate on a non-discriminatory basis in the hiring of staff or in providing services on the basis of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, national origin or disability

Download Grant Guidelines and Project Scope

Apply Here

Need help with applying? Please submit your questions here. For more information, contact London Jones at

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