Michelle Decker,
IECF President and CEO

A message from our President and CEO, Michelle Decker:

In the wake of yet another unspeakable tragedy, we mourn with Uvalde families as they begin a new day that marks precious lives forever gone. We recognize that we don’t have words to change – or even lessen – the terrible circumstances faced today by parents, teachers, siblings, aunties, first responders.

We do, however, have the ability to act on behalf of innocent children everywhere.

We encourage you to participate in the work that The Hope and Heal Fund is doing as the only state-based fund investing in a public health, racial equity, and community-based approach to preventing gun violence in California. We are impressed with their data-driven approach and comprehensive view of what gun violence looks like across different populations, and their partnerships with organizations working to end gun violence.

We also call on our better natures to advocate for the mental health services and awareness that can help us intervene before events like this. And to work to remove racism and cultural stigma from our reactions and views on this event. Finally, we acknowledge the ways each event brings back the haunting memories of other gun violence events including our Inland Regional Center shooting.

IECF will carry on in our quest for a better region. Join us and help us invest in the services and strategies that can foster more peace and protect our children.

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