Dr. Daksha Jain and her husband, Sudhir Kapadia, discovered the meaning of giving back early on while growing up in India. The couple credits their parents and grandparents for learning this important family tradition that guides their philanthropy in the U.S. and their home country.

A pediatrician known for her compassion and contributions to healthcare in the region, Dr. Jain has been a member of San Antonio Regional Hospital’s and Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center’s medical staff for more than 30 years. Mr. Kapadia holds a master’s degree in industrial engineering and worked for several years in telecommunications with Texaco/Chevron oil company.

For 35 years, Dr. Jain and Mr. Kapadia have selflessly devoted themselves to the local community, sharing a common belief in investing in programs that support the medical field, education, and people affected by poverty. “It’s how we grew up in India, seeing that whatever you get from society, if you have achieved something, it’s time to give back,” said Dr. Jain.

Mr. Kapadia expresses, “In terms of supporting those less fortunate in India, we are helping people affected by blindness and funding hospitals. We’re also helping schools that don’t have sports fields or computer labs like they do in the U.S.”

Recognizing the financial barriers that often hinder deserving students from pursuing higher education in Upland, they decided to take a proactive step toward making a lasting impact.

In late 2022, Dr. Jain and Mr. Kapadia opened the D. Jain and S. Kapadia Foundation Fund at the Inland Empire Community Foundation. Their scholarship fund is designed to support graduating seniors at Upland High School who demonstrate motivation, perseverance, and a sincere desire to gain an education. The Fund has already awarded four $2000 scholarships to students attending four-year universities and there are plans to increase the number of scholarships to ten this year. Graduating seniors from Riverside Unified and San Bernardino Unified high schools in both counties will also be eligible.

“So many of my teenagers [patients], I have seen it, are so smart and capable, but after high school because of family obligations, they’re not able to pursue their careers,” said Dr. Jain. “That’s one of the things that motivated me to help them achieve their goals.”

Applications for the 2024 scholarship cycle of the D. Jain and S. Kapadia Foundation Fund will soon be announced as IECF prepares for a busy scholarship season early this year.

As the scholarship fund prepares for the 2024 scholarship cycle, the couple looks forward to witnessing its positive impact on the lives of students pursuing their dreams in the Inland Empire. By opening doors to education, they hope to create a ripple effect that will contribute to the overall development and prosperity of the community.

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