Creative Corps Inland SoCal is pleased to announce a request for proposals to fund artists and organizations to envision and co-create public projects, messaging campaigns, media, and events that wrestle with environmental, public health, social justice, and civic engagement issues.

The program serves high-priority communities, putting artists to work in order to build healthier and more vibrant communities, working on local issues where their contributions traditionally have been excluded.

Creative Corps Inland SoCal is a collaboration between the California Arts Council, the Inland Empire Community Foundation, Arts Connection (The Arts Council of San Bernardino County), Riverside Arts Council, and the California Desert Arts Council to facilitate the California Creative Corps for Riverside and San Bernardino Counties.

Together, Creative Corps Inland SoCal is designing a program to distribute more than $3.8 million in grants for artists to offer their unique perspectives and talents. Funding will support IE artists, cultural practitioners and groups to increase awareness related to pandemic recovery, water and energy conservation, disaster preparedness and recovery, civic participation, and social justice in high-priority communities across the region.


Applications close May 1, 2023. For more information, visit

Technical Workshops are being offered on the following dates from 5:00 – 6:30pm:

March 30: Online Information Session
April 4: Project Narrative
April 6: Budgeting for Larger Projects
April 11: Working with Artists
April 13: Accessibility

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