Peggy Fouke Wortz was an extraordinary woman who transformed a life of privilege into a legacy of generosity. She gave of her wealth, her personal resources and her untiring spirit to those in our community who needed it most.

IECF is proud indeed that Peggy was a major benefactor. Her endowment in 2004 of over $4,000,000 has benefited our region for nearly 20 years and will continue to enlarge the lives of future generations and the countless causes in which she believed. This tells only a portion of the story of a remarkable leader who passed away on February 18, 2008, but who established a legacy of philanthropy to a region that will be forever enriched by her commitment and example.

Born to wealth and prominence as the granddaughter of R.E. Olds, the founder of Oldsmobile and a world-renowned inventor and business leader, Peggy followed the lead of her family in giving back to a region that depended upon her for so much. The many organizations she supported are too numerous to list here, but some of her signature commitments were to provide start-up funds to fledgling charitable agencies or challenge grants to those organizations that needed a stimulus for a special project. Children, seniors, broken families, displaced pets, educators, the arts and the environment were among the issues she supported. Peggy was proud of her commitment to the universities and colleges of her region, and she supported the Living Desert in the Coachella Valley. But most of all, Peggy loved people, and her warm smile and infectious spirit inspired all who had the privilege of knowing her.

The Peggy Fouke Wortz Memorial Community Impact Fund at IECF was established in her respected name as a lasting memory and reminder that one extraordinary human being can make a huge difference in our society.

The original version of this story appeared in our 2007 Annual Report, which was dedicated to Peggy Fouke Wortz. In celebration of Women’s History Month, we’re proud to share the stories of several Women in Philanthropy. These are generous supporters whose donations undergird our efforts to create a vibrant, prosperous and shared future for all.

Learn how you can create a legacy that lasts. Contact our Charitable Giving Team or visit our Planned Giving website.

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