There is no better time than now to think about your future, the future of your loved ones, and the legacy you want to leave. If nothing else, COVID has made us all aware that life is fragile. But it’s not all gloom and doom.

Planning is an important step in determining your future. Why is planning important? More than two-thirds of all adults have no plan; whether it is a will, trust or estate plan. If you pass away without a plan, all you have worked for in life, both financially and emotionally, may be decided and divided by a judge you have never met in a courtroom you have never visited.

Planning for your future is easy and overwhelmingly rewarding. If you do not have a will, trust or estate plan, now is the time you can create one or update the plan you have. With even a simple plan, you can protect and support your family and loved ones, support the causes you care about, and ensure your wishes can be met. And we can help you. We have the tools and resources to assist you.

To help you with your planning, IECF has created a dedicated planned giving website, One of the most important documents you will find there is our Estate Planning Guide (EPG). The Guide is an important tool to help you plan for today and the future. It will help you with important life decisions in an easy, step by step manner.

Once you completed the Guide, you will be prepared for an informed and meaningful conversation with your attorney, CPA or financial advisor regarding your wishes for the future. With a plan in place, you will have peace of mind and achieve your goals for loved ones, family and favorite charity(s).

For more information about creating a will, trust or estate plan, or charitable giving, please call our Charitable Giving Team at 951-241-7777.

Are you ready to plan
your will or trust?
Our free Estate Planning Guide can help:
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