New and expecting dads watching a short video
Recognizing higher rates of Black infant mortality in California, the Perinatal Equity Initiative (PEI) was launched in 2018 to address the causes of this disparity and best practices. Under the PEI, San Bernardino Fatherhood was contracted by the San Bernardino County, Public Health Department to provide fatherhood services. Working with the fathers and partners of pregnant and parenting African American women with a child under the age of one, the organization aims to assist in the elimination of Black infant mortality.
Recognized by the State of California as an impactful intervention, the organization’s evidence-based 24/7 Dad program educates men on the tools, behaviors and attitudes needed for fathers to help their children thrive. The program provides 12 group sessions that each last two hours. Participants explore their family history and experiences with fatherhood and then learn the characteristics of a 24/7 Dad. These include self-awareness, self-care, fathering, parenting and relationship skills. Participants are also given guidance on maintaining a positive co-parenting relationship with their child’s mother. The next 24/7 Dad program will be offered at the end of July at a location to be announced.
“We help them to understand that when they are a good man, that rolls over into being a father,” the organization’s executive director, Ryan Berryman said. “When they support the mom, they are supporting their child who is their future and their legacy.”

John Isiah and his son
San Bernardino Fatherhood offers multiple programs including an “Understanding Dad” program over 8 sessions which raises mothers’ awareness of the importance of a father’s involvement in a child’s life.
The organization’s Boot Camp for New Dads is a one-day, three-hour workshop for new and expecting dads. Run by a facilitator, the Boot Camp involves veteran fathers who share their experiences and encourage rookie dads. New fathers are encouraged to ask any question that concerns them in a supportive environment. New dads may learn about supporting new moms, breastfeeding, changing diapers, safety and many other topics. This program is made possible in part by a grant from The Inland Empire Black Equity Fund through The Inland Empire Community Foundation.
The organization also works to connect fathers to the community and to pay forward the support they are given. Fathers are encouraged to volunteer at the schools their children attend and to volunteer in their communities, becoming positive role models.
Fathers are also encouraged to participate with their families at events put on by San Bernardino Fatherhood throughout the year. Events include the annual Daddy Daughter Dance which this year was attended by over 300 people. Additional activities have included Inland Empire 66ers baseball games, Jazz Concerts and San Bernardino Raceway family event.
“This creates stronger families and healthy communities,” Berryman said. “There is a lot of research showing that when fathers are involved, kids do better in school, have fewer behavioral problems and infant mortalities decrease. There are so many positives in the community when fathers do well.”

Bootcamp Graduates
There are very few programs available for fathers who need support to overcome a family history of absent fathers and poor parenting, according to Berryman. He believes that the program gives hope to men who want secure and strong families. He also feels that strong positive fatherhood leads to stronger communities with less crime and violence.
“We want people to recognize the importance of fathers and not give up on them,” Berryman said. “We have a lot of good men out there and fathers who love their children.”
More information: https://sbfatherhood.com/ or 909-567-9508
This story originally appeared in the Press Enterprise June 2023.
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