‘Tis the season…to be thinking about year-end taxes and charitable gift planning.

Do you own an IRA or other qualified retirement plan? Are you looking for a tax-wise strategy to make gifts to support the mission of IECF? If so, consider making an IRA Charitable Rollover gift. An IRA Charitable Rollover gift has several significant tax advantages and can enable you to support a specific cause you care about.

Let’s review a few of the advantages of an IRA Charitable Rollover gift:

  • The IRA Rollover gift allows you to give from pre-tax assets.
  • If you do not itemize or are subject to charitable deduction limits, the IRA rollover still allows you to give while receiving tax benefits.
  • An IRA rollover gift can help you avoid income that could push you into a higher tax bracket.
  • You will not pay any taxes on transfers up to $100,000 from your IRA to IECF.
  •  An IRA Charitable Rollover can minimize the effect your giving has on your cash flow. The gift is from your assets, not your checkbook.
  • If you are 70½ or older, you can use your IRA to support a particular cause you care about or a specific fund at IECF.
  • If you are 72 or older, an IRA Rollover may also satisfy your annual Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) up to the amount of your gift.

How do you make an IRA Rollover transfer? It’s simple. First, contact your IRA plan administrator to make a gift from your IRA to us. You will just need to complete a simple form. Next, your IRA funds will be directly transferred to IECF to help continue our important work, or you can establish your own named fund.

Do you have a cause or organization that is especially important to you? Please get in touch with us if you wish for your gift to support a specific purpose. Examples from our current donors include establishing funds to support the local library, a pet shelter, an organization that serves those with special needs, or a scholarship fund.

Remember, the IRA Charitable Rollover gift does not qualify for a charitable tax deduction. It is simply a transfer.

If you’d like more information about making an IRA Charitable Rollover gift, please visit our website at www.iecfplannedgiving.org . If you have questions or would like to request a brochure, call Jose A. Marquez, CSPG, Director of Planned Giving, at 951-452-5621 or send an email to jmarquez@iegives.org.

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