Bernard “BerniE” Edmonds is a prominent African American visual artist whose work includes sculpting the bust of Booker T. Washington, which is on permanent display at the Historic Mission Inn in Riverside. Over his long and stellar career as an artist, BerniE’s art work has been featured on multiple sitcom shows and sold and distributed nationally by a host of art galleries and print dealers. He’s also created pieces for celebrities including Magic Johnson and Oprah Winfrey.

While BerniE has received many accolades for his body of work, it is helping families affected by Alzheimer’s and Dementia that he is most passionate about. In 2019, BerniE lost his mother to the disease and following her passing produced an art collection and music video, entitled “I Care.” With his latest collection, BerniE is spreading awareness about Alzheimer’s and raising funds for research and caregiver support, not only locally but across the nation.

In 2020, BerniE opened the I CARE ALZ fund in memory of his mother at IECF. This Donor Advised Fund (DAF) was created to support and benefit Alzheimer’s and Dementia related research and caregiver organizations. It also gives him a platform to fundraise and bring wider attention to this important cause.

“I am most passionate about the I CARE ALZ Fund because I’ve been affected by it for two generations on my mother’s side of the family,” said BerniE. “My aim is to bring attention back to the patients and their families to let them know that they are not forgotten, even in the midst of this COVID-19 crisis.”

Learn how you can support the I CARE ALZ Fund at: For more information about opening a Donor Advised Fund, contact the Charitable Giving Team at 951-241-7777.

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